Just Pink: new theme for WordPress


Leia em Português → Just Pink: new theme for WordPress

Just Pink is a theme I have previously made for my blog, now it’s on WordPress theme repository for download.

Change log:
Version 1.4.4:
* Bug fixed! Fixed mobile primary menu, displaying only top level items on screens below 600px width.

Version 1.4.3:
* Bug fixed! Fixed bug of header menu position when assigned to primary menu.

Version 1.4.1:
* New feature! Theme options: configure Just Pink to display lists of last posts, top five tags and top five categories below header navigation.
* New feature! Theme options available in English US (en_US) and Brazilian Portuguese (pt_BR).

On Appearance submenu, click Just Pink.
On Appearance submenu, click Just Pink.
Select "Display extras and navigation menu on header" and save.
Select “Display extras and navigation menu on header” and save.
Seu blog agora mostra os cinco posts mais recentes, as cinco tags e as cinco categorias com mais posts.
Your blog now shows the five most recent posts, the five tags and five categories with more posts.

Version 1.3:
* Released on WordPress theme repository.